
Sunday 28 July 2024

1 Samuel 16:19-23 - Send me your son David


Saul then sent a message to Jesse telling him to send his son David. It was known that David looked after the sheep. The exact timing of these incidents is not known, but the point is to show how David became acquainted with David. Jesse sent some gifts with David and sent him to Saul.


David entered Saul’s service and Saul liked him. David did not just play the harp, but was also Saul’s armour-bearer. Because Saul liked David, he asked Jesse to let David remain with him. Presumably Jesse allowed this to happen, though he probably could not really refuse the king’s request. If the “spirit from God” came upon Saul, David would play the lyre and relief would come to Saul. Saul would feel better and the spirit would leave Saul. We see here that the evil spirit enabled David to come into Saul’s service. God was using this to orchestrate events, and is why the Bible says that God sent the evil spirit.

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