
Saturday 20 July 2024

1 Corinthians 7:27-31 - Are you pledged to a woman?


So, in line with this, if a man is already pledged to a woman he should fulfil the commitment. I.e. engaged , though the commitment  was stronger than our engagement. Conversely, if a man was not pledged to any woman, then he should not seek out a wife. However, Paul emphasises that if a man does marry he has not sinned. Nor has a virgin if she gets married. He then gives some very practical advice, “those who marry will face many troubles in life”, and this is true. There is no pain free or cost free route through life.


“The time is short”. This would tend to favour the eschatological view of “the present crisis”. We then get a series of “as if they were not” statements. The point here is our attitude towards the things of this world. The things of this world matter, and do and should affect how we live. However, we must not get over engrossed in them, we need to have a proper list of priorities. “For this world in its present form is passing away”. We need to recognise the temporal nature of everything in this world.

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