
Friday 5 July 2024

1 Corinthians 6:13,14 - The body is not meant for sexual immorality


The Corinthians were treating sex as if it was just the same as food. It isn’t. Indeed at the root of all worldly immorality you will find that the world has a devalued view of sex, it is the Bible that has a high view of sex. Food is purely temporal. Our bodies were not designed for sexual immorality. The more promiscuous someone is, the more prone to disease they will be. Our bodies are designed for the Lord, to live in obedience to Him. And He is for the body, God knows what is best for our bodies.


This verse stresses the importance of the body, for God raised Christ from the dead, and He will raise us also on the last day. The gospel considers the body to be of great importance. Any thinking that views the body as of only temporal significance, or as being inherently evil, is badly mistaken. Our bodies have been corrupted by sin, we should seek to cleanse them of the pollutants.

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