
Sunday 21 July 2024

1 Corinthians 7:32,33 - I would like you to be free from concern


Paul now gives a more detailed explanation of why he has spoken in favour of being single, and his arguments here favour the eschatological view of the “present crisis”. A single person is better able to focus on pleasing the Lord. When we come to faith we have a whole different perspective on life, a whole different set of priorities, and the Lord is number one. 


Conversely, a married man is rightly concerned about how to please his wife. When you are married you have at least one other person to think about in all decisions that are made. Now there is a question we have in regard to all of the teaching in this chapter. At least at a superficial reading, it seems that marriage is seen as “second best”, remaining single is the number one way to go. What can we say about this? We can certainly say that you think marriage brings “salvation”, i.e. it will make your life complete and solve all your problems, then you are greatly deluded. Only Christ is our saviour. Given the rampant sexual immorality in Corinth, sex is given a place way beyond what it deserves, and is greatly distorted. The same applies to our society.  We should also remember that Paul is probably writing in response to asceticism. Now the ascetic approach is actually a fleshly approach, for it puts the emphasis on us. If we follow these rules or deny ourselves this or that (marriage in terms of this chapter) then we make ourselves more holy. Paul presents singleness as a positive option, a gift and blessing from the Lord.

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