
Saturday 13 July 2024

1 Samuel 14:36-39 - Let us pursue the Philistines


Saul then, ceasing the moment, wants to go and completely rout the Philistines. He shows no inclination to consult the Lord. However, the priest tells him they should consult the Lord first. So Saul asks God, but gets no answer. Saul was never a man guided by God, or wanting to do what pleases God. He was deeply unstable, and never had a clue what he was doing. So we have more evidence here of God having rejected Saul.


Saul decides that the reason he is not getting an answer is that someone has sinned. He is looking for anyone to blame except himself. He also makes the declaration that even if the “sinner\2 is his son Jonathan, that man should die. The people knew that it was Joanathan who had broken Saul’s order about not eating any food, but they kept quiet about it, probably wondering what was going to happen next.

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