
Sunday 7 July 2024

1 Corinthians 6:18-20 - You were bought at a price


So Paul’s simple instruction is to “flee from sexual immorality”. If we sin sexually we sin against our own body. Sexual sins have a more profound and deeper effect than other sins. In this sense sexual sins are more serious than other sins. Now people can raise silly objections. Is adultery worse than mass murder? Of course not, but both are evil. Paul is trying to make them realise how harmful sexual sins are. He also wants them to have a proper high view of our bodies. We are temples of the Holy Spirit, and that applies to our bodies. 


“You are not your own”. This goes completely against natural human thinking. Indeed one could say that it is the most offensive thing Paul has said in this chapter!  But we do not belong to ourselves, we belong to Christ, we were bought at a price, the price of Christ’s blood.  So we should “honour God with our bodies”.

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