
Tuesday 23 July 2024

1 Corinthians 8:1,2 - About food sacrificed to idols


The next three chapters deal with various issues, particularly food sacrifice to idols. While Paul addresses the particular issue, he uses it to stress more fundamental matters, which are at the heart of the problems that the Corinthians were facing.

“We all possess knowledge”. The Corinthians were very keen on being thought to look good, including in their “knowledge”, but while knowledge is clearly important, being proud of our “knowledge” is not a godly attitude to have. The ruling principle should be “love” not “knowledge”, for love builds others up, while “knowledge” puffs up those who think they have “knowledge”.


Paul is not decrying knowledge, but what we do with knowledge, and how it affects us. It is much the same with money. Money can be “a root of all kinds of evil”, but money is not in itself bad, indeed much good can be done with money. So if we see “knowledge” as showing how clever we are then we are going down a wrong path.

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