
Wednesday 10 July 2024

1 Samuel 14:20-24 - They found the Philistines in total confusion


Saul and his army went into battle, but the Lord had already won the battle, Saul’s intervention was of no real consequence. The Philistines were in total confusion, striking each other. Some Hebrews had been with the Philistines, but seeing what was happening quickly changed sides. They were also joined by the Hebrews who had previously hidden in caves. “So on that day the Lord saved Israel”. It is made clear that it was the Lord’s actions that saved Israel.


Saul had “bound the people under an oath”, forbidding them from eating any food before evening “before I have avenged myself on my enemies”. This was another stupid action on the part of Saul. Why was it stupid? Because the troops needed food to enable them to fight. Why did he do it? Goodness knows. Possibly because of his thinking that it was somehow a suitable religious act. All it actually did was impose an unnecessary burden upon the army. This is the sort of thing that bad leaders will do. They seek to demonstrate a sort of devotion to the Lord, but in reality do no good at all. Note that Saul talks about avenging “myself” on “my” enemies. He is viewing this as all about him, rather than all about God and the people. This is another trait of bad and insecure leaders.

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