
Sunday 14 July 2024

1 Samuel 14:40-45 - Tell me what you have done


No one knows exactly what the Urim and Thummim were, but they seem to have operated like lots. Anyway, Saul places himself and Jonathan against the rest of the army, and the lot falls on Saul and Jonathan. Then it is used to choose between Saul and Jonathan, and, of course, Jonathan is chosen. Jonathan tells Saul what happened, and Saul is still set on killing Jonatahan.


The soldiers were dead against Saul killing Jonathan. They knew that it was Jonathan who had set them out the route to victory, and that Saul’s edict on not eating was pretty stupid. They knew that Jonathan must have had God’s help in order to defeat the Philistines. “So the men rescued Jonathan and he was not put to death”. Saul’s authority, such as it was, was further diminished.

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