
Tuesday 9 July 2024

1 Samuel 14:16-19 - Bring the Ark of God


Saul saw the enemy melting away in all directions. He had no idea how this happened, nor who was responsible. So he mustered his army to work out who was missing. Saul is once again portrayed as not having a clue about what was going on. Only then does he discover that his son Jonathan and his armour bearer are missing.


Saul then calls for Ahijah to bring out the ark. We are not told why Saul is doing this. He seems to regard it as a sort of good luck charm. Saul is the sort of man who just does the sorts of things that seem as though they might be right, without having a clue as to why he is doing them. Most of us have probably encountered managers like that at work! While Saul was still talking to the priest the tumult in the Philistine camp increased. Saul was largely irrelevant to the situation.

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