
Thursday 30 December 2021

John 6:1-4 - A great crowd followed Him


The feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle (excluding the resurrection!) that is recounted in all four gospels. It is not surprising that most of the synoptic gospel miracles are not recorded in John, for the synoptics focused very much on Jesus’ ministry in Galilee, whereas this is the only chapter in John which does so. The name “Sea of Tiberias” was given to it by Herod Antipas in AD 20 after the Roman Emperor of that name.


As we often find in the synoptics, Jesus is followed by large crowds, and He often sought to get away from them. Either to have time alone with the Father, or, as here, to have time alone with His disciples. The crowds followed Him because of the large number of miracles that He did, in particular healing the sick. Jesus went up the mountain with His disciples hoping to teach them. As it turned out He did indeed teach them, but not in the way originally intended.


It was getting close to the Passover time. The Passover is mentioned three times by John, 2:13,23; 6:4 and 11:55ff. It seems that John saw significance in this. In the first mention Jesus is clearing the temple, and declares Himself to be the true temple. Here we will soon get teaching on His being the bread of life. In the final mention we have the culmination of all things with His offering as the true Passover Lamb. Remember that John focuses on Jesus being the Lamb of God. 

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