
Thursday 2 December 2021

Genesis 18:6-10 - I will surely return to you


Abraham rushed to Sarah and told her to make some bread, and to do so from the finest flour. Naturally this would take some time, so this was not a two minute visit. Next Abraham rushes to the herd and gets a servant to take a calf and prepare a meal. This was no quick snack that Abraham was getting prepared, but a full and lavish meal. So all the food was set before the visitors.


It was no coincidence that the visitors had stopped by. They had come with a purpose. In the previous chapter God had told Abraham that Sarah would be the mother of his child, but it seems that either he had not shared this information with Sarah, or if he had, she had not believed him. Whatever the case, the visitors had come to address the matter of her unbelief. They repeat that she will indeed have a child, they also add that this will happen within a year. Sarah overheard what was said.

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