
Wednesday 15 December 2021

Genesis 20:14-18 - Abraham prayed to God


Abimelech did not take umbrage at Abraham’s words, but gave him sheep, cattle and slaves (no doubt Abraham should be cancelled 😊). Presumably Abimelech’s encounter with God had filled him with the fear of the Lord, so he wanted to treat Abraham well. He then said Abraham could live anywhere he liked in the land. He also told Sarah that he was giving Abraham money to cover any offence that had been caused. Once again the heathen king comes out of things rather better than Abraham does.


However, we do see some good in Abraham. The Lord had shut up the wombs of all the women in the land, so Abraham prayed to God for them and their wombs were opened, so they could all have children again. This implies that Abraham and Sarah must have been in the land for some time, otherwise no one would have noticed they could not have children.

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