
Saturday 18 December 2021

Genesis 21:11-16 - The matter distressed Abraham


Abraham is greatly distressed by the matter. While Ishmael was the product of a lack of trust, he was still Abraham’s son, and there was an emotional attachment. There are two key lessons to learn from this. One is that sexual faithfulness is so valuable, sexual infidelity causes enormous problems and emotional entanglement. We are not in control of what the outcome of sexual immorality will be. The second is that God does not simply dismiss Abraham’s feelings, even though they were the product of disobedience.

At the same time, there is no divergence from God’s plan. Abraham is told to listen to Sarah. Now remember that when Sarah told Abraham to sleep with the servant girl it would have been far better if he had not listened to her! So because someone speaks rubbish on one occasion, does not mean that they will always speak rubbish! The converse also applies! So Abraham does indeed have to send Ishmael away, but God promises to look after him.


Abraham gave Hagar and Ishmael some water and food, though the amounts were not very much and sent them on their way to the Desert of Beersheba. Before too long the water ran out and Hagar thought they were both going to die. She didn’t want to watch her son die, so she hid the boy under a bush and went a distance away, sobbing.

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