
Sunday 8 November 2020

Matthew 17:1-3 - Transfiguration


This happened six days after the shocking teaching that Jesus had given to the disciples, revealing that He was going to be handed over to the authorities and killed, and that the road the disciples would have to follow was not much better. Jesus took three of the disciples, Peter, James and John, with Him up a high mountain. While up there He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and clothes became the purest white. So far they had seen the Son of God clothed in flesh, now they saw Him clothed in glory. We see here that God actually understands our difficulties in accepting or understanding certain things. It was difficult for the disciples to accept that Jesus would die, the resurrection bit passed right over their heads. God gave them something so that they could see and grasp.


Jesus being transfigured was not all. Moses and Elijah then appeared with Jesus, talking with Jesus. The “talking with Jesus” is actually very important, for otherwise one could ask “how did they know the two people were Moses and Elijah? “ For they had never seen photographs of them! Jesus must have addressed them by these names. Seeing Moses and Elijah was also very important. For why were the disciples so taken aback at the prospect of Jesus dying? It was because this did not fit with their picture of how the kingdom would come. In their minds the Messiah of the Old Testament was not meant to die, He was the one who would rescue Israel! Moses represents the Law, and Elijah the prophets, so this vision is saying that Jesus is completely in line with the Law and the Prophets. He is indeed the promised Messiah.

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