
Sunday 29 November 2020

Jeremiah 38:1-4 - He is discouraging the soldiers


Jeremiah continued to preach the message that God had given to him. He tells them that if they stay in the city they will die, but if they surrender to Babylon they will live. Just to make things clear, he emphasises that the city will be given into the hands of the Babylonians. There were various named officials who were listening to the message. Jeremiah’s message has relevance today for those who place an undue emphasis on the physical land of Israel. God is far more concerned about the moral nature of the people, than the physical land they are inhabiting. He was quite prepared to throw them out of the land if they persisted in their disobedience and idol worship, and God did throw them out. At the same time, we must also remember that God brought them back. The land is important, but not at the expense of moral failure. The number one priority in our prayers for Israel must be that they turn to Christ. That is the only way to true peace.


The named officials who were listening to Jeremiah reported him to the king and demanded that he be put to death. His words were discouraging the soldiers and the people. Now the reason they were discouraged was because they were embarking on a failed enterprise. If Jeremiah had been killed Jerusalem would still have fallen. Speaking the word of God will not always bring us favour.

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