
Friday 20 November 2020

Jeremiah 35:1-11 - The Rechabites


This section is not in chronological order, but goes back to the reign of Jehoiakim who reigned before Zedekiah.The Rechabite family was a clan within Israel, who were a nomadic people. The point that is going to be emphasised is that they were faithful to the their ancestral ways. Jeremiah was to invite them to a side room in the house of the Lord abd offer them wine to drink.


Jaazaniah means “The Lord hears”. Jeremiah went to the family and invited them to the house of the Lord, and he set out bowls of wine for them to drink. However, the Rechabites had taken a vow never to drink wine. They had also vowed to live a nomadic lifestyle, not having permanent homes. “Then you will live a long time in the land where you are nomads”. So while they did not seek to settle in the normal sense, they would actually be secure. There is perhaps a lesson for us here. Hebrews 11 speaks of people living as strangers and aliens in the land. Earlier we had Jeremiah telling the exiles to seek the well-being of Babylon so it would go well with them. There is a human way of seeking security which usually leads to living in fear and making wrong choices. Then there is a godly way, which recognises the temporary nature of this life, and in accepting the reality of this we are actually enabled to live this life better. The Rekabites had been diligent in keeping to the rules, not drinking alcohol, not building houses etc. They had come to Jerusalem as a result of the Babylonian invasion. 

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