
Wednesday 21 October 2020

Matthew 15:4-9 - You hypocrites!


What was the command of God that they broke? It wasn’t some obscure law hidden away in the recesses of Leviticus or Numbers. No, it was one of the Ten Commandments, to honour your father and mother. When we get blinded by sin we will break the most obvious commands and be totally blind to it. So how were they doing this? They were saying that some money that should have been given to their parents to help them did not need to be given if it was declared as “devoted to God”. They were then not to honour their father and mother with it!. See that their supposed godliness was now used to disobey God’s commands. We need to watch ourselves so carefully.


“You hypocrites!” Jesus does not say they might have got things a little wrong, He declares their sin in no uncertain terms, and then quotes from Isaiah 29:13, which exposes the truth of where the Pharisees really were. Their words sounded fine, outwardly it looked as if they were indeed worshipping God, dedicated to Him. But their hearts were far from God, and their teachings were mere human rules. Again, we need to watch ourselves for this same tendency. Note also that the Scriptures clearly taught that all men, including, even especially, Israel, were sinners in need of a saviour.

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