
Saturday 10 October 2020

Matthew 13:44-46 - In his joy he sold all he had


This is the third last kingdom parables in this chapter. There were no banks in those days like we have today, so hiding money in the ground was a common practice, maybe a bit like putting it under a mattress! Someone finds the treasure, realises how valuable it is. So valuable, in fact, that they go and sell everything they have so that they can buy the field containing the treasure. The message is that the kingdom is worth more than everything else.


The second last parable tells essentially the same message. There is a merchant who dealt in fine pearls. So he was an expert dealer, he knew what he was looking for, and recognised true value when he saw it. So he found the pearl of great price, he recognised its immense value, and his judgement was trustworthy. He too then sold everything he had in order to buy the pearl. So elsewhere we have heard that the kingdom demands our all, even our life, here we read that it is worth everything we have.

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