
Sunday 24 May 2020

Jeremiah 5:12-14 - He will do nothing!

“They have lied about the Lord; they said “He will do nothing!...” Today people say that God will not judge, they too are saying “He will do nothing!”. This is a very dangerous thing to say, and to live in the light of this is an even more dangerous thing to do. God will not stand by forever. We are His creation, this world is His world. Those who teach otherwise, those who teach that God will not judge “are but wind”.


What was God’s response to the empty and deceptive words of the prophets? It was to make Jeremiah’s “words fire and these people the wood it consumes”. Jeremiah would faithfully and clearly speak the words of the Lord, and God would enact these words. Judgement would come. Now as we will see, this was no easy matter for Jeremiah. He had struggles within himself. He faced opposition from others, including the rulers. The fire came in that his words proved true. Judgement did come, Babylon did attack and defeat.

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