
Friday 1 May 2020

Jeremiah 2:31-34 - Have I been a desert to Israel?

There was no logic to the actions of the Israelites. The Lord had not been a desert to them, nor had He sent great darkness upon them. Ie He had not been a source of suffering to them. Yet the people considered it right to abandon God, to go and roam their own way. The Lord then uses an analogy. Items of jewellery are considered to be of great value by a young woman, especially those associated with marriage. Such a woman would not forget them, and would be greatly upset if she did lose them. Yet His people had forgotten God, and had done so again and again.

Again the analogy of the unfaithful woman or the prostitute is used. Israel was skilled at abandoning God and going to chase after other gods. Everyone could learn from her ways. Some might argue this was just religion, what’s the problem? But it wasn’t. Israel’s abandonment of God led to bloodshed, and bloodshed of the poor and innocent. When people abandon God and His ways bloodshed follows. The obvious example in our day is abortion. Yet we do not even consider it wrong. Worse than that, we consider it a human right to be allowed to kill life in the womb!

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