
Sunday 10 May 2020

Jeremiah 3:18-20 - How gladly would I treat you like my children

Israel had split into the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel and Judah after the time of Solomon. They were only united in their rebellion against God and their sinfulness, but God’s plans would still be fulfilled. There would come a time when the two would be united again, and they would dwell together in the land that God intended them to have. God’s plans will not be thwarted, not even by our sin. Now this does not mean that our sin does not matter, the whole of the Bible makes that clear enough, but it is equally clear that God’s plans will come to fruition.


God here expresses His heart. It is not His desire to punish, but to gladly treat us like His children. He wants to give us a pleasant land. He wants us to call Him Father, and note how central the Father relationship was to Jesus’ understanding and living of His own life, and what He taught us our lives are meant to be like. But God was also totally realistic about the situation, the truth of our condition. Israel had been unfaithful to God.

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