
Wednesday 20 May 2020

Jeremiah 4:29-31 - Alas! I am fainting

The graphic description continues. Verse 29 paints a picture of an army in flight, a land in utter disarray. And what was Judah doing in preparation for all this? She was adorning herself to continue chasing after idols and help from other nations. Yet the “lovers” she sought (ie the idols and other nations) despised her and would destroy her. We should chase only after God.


The chapter closes with another vivid description of the nation, this time as a woman in labour. Maybe this is depicting what Judah’s seeking after false hopes would bring forth. She would be in great pain as a woman in labour with her first child, but instead of giving birth to new life, with joy making the pain all worth it, she would give birth to death. She would realise at the last moment that she had made love to murderers who would muder her. Sin can seem so enticing, false gods can seem to offer hope, but in the end these things always fail us, always devour us.

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