
Monday 3 February 2020

2 Corinthians 12:14-18 - I will not be a burden to you

Paul now declares his intention to visit them a third time, and he is not going to give in at all to the accusations of the false apostles. In particular, he will not be a financial burden to them. Just imagine how daft this sounds to us, being criticised for NOT taking money from people! Quite the opposite would be the case today, and rightly so. However, daft accusations are not something that is unique to the 1st century! Paul’s aim is to win the Corinthians for Christ. Paul then liken his love for the Corinthians as than of a parent to a child, and it is the parent who provides for the child, not the other way around.


Paul then says more about his “failure” to take money off the Corinthians, mocking the false-apostles and showing how ridiculous the whole matter was. False teachers exploit their hearers, either for financial gain, or for power. Paul then points out that Titus, who they liked, acted in exactly the same way as Paul did. Paul is effectively saying “open your eyes and see what is really happening”. When false teachers come people can get blinded. In dealing with false teachers and teachings two approaches are needed. One is theological and the other is relational, and in Paul we see both. Sometimes one or other will be more to the fore. In Galatians theology is at the forefront, but there is plenty of relational stuff as well. In Corinthians relational aspects are center-stage, but there is plenty of theology as well.

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