
Saturday 18 May 2019

Mark 8:1-3 - Another food shortage

There are those who try to make out this is a repeat telling of the feeding of the five thousand, but there is really no reason to think this at all. Certainly the gospel accounts give no reason for this, and later in the chapter (8:14-21) there is specific reference to two miraculous feedings. Moreover, if Jesus miraculously fed 5000 on one occasion, there is no reason why He would not feed 4000 on another occasion.


A large crowd has been with Jesus for three days, listening to His teaching. Probably some healing had been going on as well, as it usually did when Jesus was around. In the previous incident the disciples came up with various reasons for sending the crowds away, it seems that Jesus here anticipates these objections. First He tells the disciples that He has compassion on the people. Now remember that this is just an ordinary bunch of people, with all the problems, weaknesses, failings and sins of ordinary people. When Jesus views our society  part of His response is to have compassion on the people. He then points out that sending them away won’t work, forestalling the disciples obvious suggestion. Some had travelled far and would possibly collapse along the way if they did not have food.

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