
Monday 6 May 2019

Mark 6:45-48 - Sent away on a boat

“Immediately ...”, Mark stresses the action. While the miracle was taking place the people may not have realised at first what was happening, but then they would catch on. According to John’s account it was the prospect of free food that grabbed the people (John 6:26). Maybe Jesus wanted them to get away before any excitement rose. Jesus sent the disciples away in the boat and He dismissed the crowds.

Jesus also wanted to spend time alone with His Father. Again as we learn in John’s account, Jesus had a far deeper understanding of what was going on and the significance of the miracle than anyone else did. Indeed, the fact that this, and the walking on water, are recorded in John’s gospel, which is focused on the sign value of the miracles, stresses the importance of this miracle. We need to pray and spend time with God so that our thinking is influenced by Him rather than by the world and our flesh.


The “sea” is actually a lake, and it is about 13 miles long, and 8 miles wide and its widest point. Jesus was not with them, but alone on land. Because of the wind, they were making slow progress. Jesus observed this from the land. Even when we are not aware of Jesus’ presence, He is still watching over us. Jesus came to them walking on the water. Now was He able to do this because of His divinity or because of His being a man who trusted completely in God? The fact that Peter was also able to walk on water up to a point would tend to indicate the latter. However, Jesus did not intend to meet the disciples at this point.

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