
Saturday 18 March 2023

Numbers 32:1-19 - Your servants have livestock


The Reubenites and Gadites saw that the land where they were looked very good, so they asked Moses to allow them to stay in the area, and receive that land as their inheritance. Moses knew that the tribes which did cross the Jordan would have battles to fight, so it was not fair that the Reubenites and Gadites might not fight in those battles. If their request was granted it would also serve as a disincentive for the other tribes. This also reminded Moses of what had happened with the spies discouraging the people from entering the land. That aroused the Lord’s anger and led to them wandering in the desert for many years.


Moses tells the Reubenites and Gadites that they are a brood of sinners, and their actions could lead to another generation being destroyed in the wilderness. The Reubenites and Gadites respond by saying that their men will go up and fight with their fellow Israelites, but the women and children would stay behind. They would build fortified towns for the women and children.

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