“You give them something to eat”. This was Jesus’ reply. John 6:5,6 tells us that Jesus asked Philip a question “only to test him”. Jesus is doing a similar thing with all His disciples. With a purely human outlook the assessment of the situation that the disciples had was entirely reasonable, but with God things are different. Even from a purely financial perspective, buying food for all the people did not seem like a sensible proposition.
Jesus then asks them how much food they actually had, and the answer was the famous five loaves and two fish. Note that that is consistent with John’s account (John 6:9), which tells us where the loaves and fishes came from. To the natural mind that was hardly enough to even start feeding five thousand. However, Jesus has a different view, and He tells the disciples to start organising the people into groups of cities and hundreds. At this point there is no indication of what He is going to do. One can imagine what is going through the minds of the disciples. Sometimes God will tell us to do something before He reveals how things are going to work out.
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