Herodias nursed a grudge against John the Baptist. The Herod and Herodias situation is a bit like Ahab and Jezebel. It was Jezebel who schemed to get Naboth’s vineyard, it was Herodias who schemed to have John the Baptist killed. However, at this point she had not been able to get him killed. Herod was a man moved by fear, and he feared John the Baptist. He recognised that John was “a righteous and holy man”. Even sinful men can recognise goodness when they see it. Herod even liked listening to John. Yet he did not understand what John was really all about. Like Pilate, he heard but did not understand.
However, Herodias, while frustrated, did not give up. She was biding her time, waiting for an opportune moment. And such a moment arose at a birthday celebration for Herod. A banquet was held with many high officials, army commanders and other leading men present. The significance of this was that Herod could not afford to lose face in front of all these important people.
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