
Friday 11 October 2024

2 Samuel 4b-9 - He made Ish-Bosheth king over Israel


David learnt that the men from Jabesh Gilead had ensured that Saul got a proper burial. David acted wisely, and also consistently with his actions towards Saul throughout Saul’s time as king. David had honoured Saul even when Saul did not deserve it. So David blesses the men from Jabesh Gilead. They may have feared that David would do them harm, but David assures them that he will show them favour. David also tells them that they should accept the new situation, and need not fear doing so.


However, things were not all well. There were some who sought to continue Saul’s dynasty. These men were led by Abner, the commander of Saul’s army. They made Saul’s son Ish-Bosheth king of Israel (though not Judah). Ish-Bosheth was something of a puppet king, with Abner being the real power. Eventually Israel would be united as a single entity under David, but after the time of Solomon the kingdom would split again.

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