
Thursday 10 October 2024

1 Corinthians 15:21-23 - In Christ all will be made alive


Death came through one man, Adam. Resurrection has come through one man, Jesus Christ. “In Adam all die”, “In Christ all will be made alive”. Man seemingly undid all of God’s plans by sinning, for death came into mankind through that sin. But God did not give up on man, and His plans and purposes were not thwarted. For salvation and life came in through a man, through the Son of God, fully divine, fully human.  Another feature of these verses is that many commentators say it implies that there was historically one man Adam, rather than “Adam” representing mankind in general. I can see the argument, but I also have to say that I am not entirely convinced. If “man” and “Adam” here (and elsewhere) are taken as meaning mankind in general, then I can see how the tenets of the gospel, the New Testament, all hold good. The title of this blog is “Bible Musings”, and here I am just musing. I am not settled in my own mind on the issue.


There is a time gap between the resurrection of Christ and our resurrection. We will be raised when Christ returns. The resurrection is for “those who belong to Him”. We belong to Jesus, we are not our own. This has two important consequences. One is that we do not just live life for our own sake, we are not our own. Secondly, we do belong to Jesus. We are not on our own, it is not all down to us. We belong to Jesus and He has said He will not lose anyone that the Father has given to Him (John 6:39).

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