
Wednesday 9 October 2024

1 Corinthians 15:19,20 - But Christ has indeed been raised


The gospel is not just for this life. It has enormous consequences for this life, but not just for this life. If we make “this life” the be all and end all then we are not being obedient to Christ. Indeed, “we are of all people most to be pitied”. Following Christ may involve great cost, even the loss of our lives, it may mean going against the direction of all society. Without an eternal perspective, doing this makes no sense.


Paul has been showing that denying the resurrection, whether of Jesus or of believers in general, is foolishness, it makes the gospel a nonsense, even no gospel at all. Now he starts to give a positive view of the resurrection.  “But Christ has been raised ...”. He is the “firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep”. In saying that Christ is the firstfruits Paul is saying that there is more to come. “Fallen asleep” refers to those who have died in faith, and is a term that Paul uses only of believers. It implies that death is not the end.

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