
Monday 7 October 2024

1 Corinthians 15:15,16 - If the dead are not raised


If one looks at the preaching in Acts one sees that the resurrection is central to all of that preaching. So if Christ was not raised, then all the preaching of the gospel was a sham, a lie. The gospel would then be telling lies about God. But if believers will not be raised then Christ was not raised and the gospel preaching is one big lie. The resurrection of the dead is an absolutely central part of the gospel and our doctrine.


“For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either”. Our resurrection and that of Christ are inextricably linked. You cannot have one without the other. As Col 1:18 says, Christ is the firstborn among the dead. Our resurrection will be the same as His resurrection. Jesus was not risen as a one off spectacle, but as the first of what will be many.

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