
Tuesday 15 October 2024

1 Corinthians 15:32-34 - Do not be misled


Paul refers to a time when he fought wild beasts. Paul is probably speaking metaphorically, as if he had actually fought wild beasts. This sort of thing did happen in the arena, but the man fighting the wild beasts would die. Moreover, Paul was a Roman citizen, so would not have had to undergo such an ordeal. He is talking about the opponents he faced who were out to kill him. Again, why would Paul submit himself to such dangers if his hopes were for this life only? He then quotes from Isaiah 22:13. If there is no resurrection, then the only rational course of action is to just enjoy this life as much as one can.


It seems that some of the Corinthians were keeping bad company, mixing with those who poured scorn on ideas of the resurrection. They would also be committing various sins. Keeping bad company leads to corruption of good character. They needed to recognise that some people are “ignorant of God”, and so what they say is worthless, and they should not be listened to.

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