
Friday 4 October 2024

1 Samuel 31:4b-7 - Saul was dead


The armour bearer refused to fulfil Saul’s wishes. We are told he was terrified. What was he terrified of? Perhaps the consequences of killing the king, and subsequent reprisals there might be against him. Or perhaps it was a fear of God, knowing it was wrong to kill the king. Whatever the case, Saul fell on his own sword. The armour bearer then fell on his own sword, so they both died, “Samuel’s” prophecy was fulfilled.


The Israelites saw that their army was in flight, and that Saul and his sons were all dead. So they abandoned their towns and fled, and the Philistines came and occupied them. To continue my musings (see 31:1), just as Saul had let down the nation and so foreign forces ran riot, much of the church leadership in the West has let the nation down and Christianity is in retreat. The land is being given over to paganism. But in 2 Samuel, David assumes the kingship and begins to restore the nation. We need Christian leaders who will be faithful to Christ so that there can be restoration in our land. It may be that you and I are part of that leadership.

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