
Wednesday 9 October 2024

2 Samuel 1:21-27 - How the mighty are fallen!


The Mountains of Gilboa were where Saul and Jonathan fell. David pronounces a curse on them. Jonathan had opposed his father, he was not blind to his faults. Yet Jonathan still stood by him, fighting with him, and dying with him.

1:24 seems to paint rather a rosy view of Saul, but Saul was the king they asked for. “How the mighty have fallen”, another phrase that is in common use that has its origins in the Bible. 1:26 expresses David’s deep appreciation for Jonathan’s commitment to him. Jonathan helped David at great personal cost. There is no hint of any sexual connotations to this, those who make such suggestions are only betraying the state of their own minds. 

"How the mighty are fallen!" The statement is repeated. As noted, David says nothing negative about Saul, at lease not directly.Perhaps there is a lesson here for how we should react when famous Christian leaders fall. We should certainly never idolise any Christians leaders.

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