
Wednesday 16 October 2024

1 Corinthians 15:35,36 - How are the dead raised?


Having “defended” the resurrection, i.e. given evidence for it having happened, and exposed the errors in the arguments against the resurrection, Paul now goes on the attack. It is worth noting that as someone who wholeheartedly believes in the resurrection I have no problem with the evidence. The evidence supports my belief. It is those who reject the resurrection who have problems with the evidence. It is they who have to posit explanations for which there is no supporting evidence. In the Graeco-Roman world the concept of resurrection was utterly rejected, even considered “dirty”. Paul demonstrates the vacuousness of their thought. 


“How foolish!”, or “fools”. Paul has no time for their ideas. We sometimes all too easily go on the defensive against the world’s attacks. It is worldly thought, not Biblical thought, that lacks coherence or rationality, And in the section 15:35-41 Paul argues the reasonableness of the resurrection from nature, from science if you like! He starts by saying “what you sow does not come to life unless it dies”. Perhaps Paul was aware of Jesus’ words in John 12:24.

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