
Saturday 12 October 2024

1 Corinthians 15:26,27 - The last enemy


“The last enemy to be destroyed is death”. This is related to the sequence of events. Christ has been raised from the dead, but no one else has. The reason is that there are things to be done, related to the spreading of the gospel and the putting all things under His feet. Once these have been completed the resurrection will happen.


Paul now adds that the “everything” does not include God Himself, probably meaning God the Father. Now why does Paul say this, as it seems to be a case of stating the obvious, and indeed it is. 

Ps 8:6, talking about man, says:

You made them rulers over the works of your hands;

    you put everything under their feet:

Now just as Israel failed, so all of mankind failed, but in Christ God’s purposes are fulfilled. Israel becomes what she was always meant to be, and mankind as a whole becomes what we were always meant to be.

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