
Monday 14 October 2024

2 Samuel 2:24-32 - This will end in bitterness


Joab and his other brother, Abishai, pursued Abner. They came to a hill, and the men of Benjamin rallied behind Abner. Abner calls out to Joab, wishing to avoid further bloodshed. He reminds Joab that they are all fellow Israelites, and that further fighting will only result in more bloodshed. Division and bitterness among Israelites is nothing new. (nor among any other people groups!). 


Joab seems to see sense and agree with Abner. Indeed he congratulates Abner on his call for peace. So Joab blows his trumpet and the pursuit stops. Abner and his men march through the night to Mahanaim. Meanwhile Joab assembles his men and finds that nineteen are missing, but they had killed three hundred and sixty of Abner’s men. Asahel is buried, and they return to Hebron. We will see later that Joab still harboured bitterness against Abner for killing his brother.

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