
Monday 14 October 2024

1 Corinthians 15:29-31 - If there is no resurrection...


Paul now introduces some experiential arguments. The first example is rather puzzling, “what will those do who are baptised for the dead?”. Various explanations have been offered. One can be found on Got Questions, which I find utterly unconvincing. If you follow the link you can go and read it for yourself. Schreiner gives a more plausible answer when he says it might refer to the case where a believer dies very shortly after coming to faith, and then someone else is baptised in their place, representing the dead person. The truth is no one has a clue what being baptised for the dead means. The point is, that whatever it does refer to, the practice was utterly pointless if there is no resurrection.


The next example is a lot easier to understand! If there is no resurrection, then why did Paul and his co-workers endanger their lives time and time again? Paul’s life was repeatedly in danger, what would the point be of doing this if there is no life after death, if death was the end? 

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