
Wednesday 19 October 2022

Leviticus 14:21-57 - Cleansing from mildew


We now have the regulations for those who cannot afford the previous sacrifices. The sacrifices are a little less, but the same general pattern is followed as in the previous verses. There are two key points to note. One is that provision is made for the poor, they are not excluded. The second is that the poor do still have to go through the purification process. Relating this to the present day, our atonement and purification cost us nothing, the price was paid in full by Christ. But there is still absolute commitment required from us. The Biblical treatment of the poor is far better than much modern day thinking. Yes, full account is made of their poverty, but they are not treated as mere recipients, they still have responsibility. Some modern day thinking seems to elevate the moral status of the poor, this is not Biblical. Morally the poor and the rich are on exactly the same level, but the rich have a greater responsibility to help the poor because of their wealth, and have a greater capacity for doing evil.


14:33-54 deal with mildew and other infections that can afflict buildings. The purification process is actually similar to that for skin diseases. As before I don’t intend to dwell on the details, but to take a wider look. We see that God is very concerned with the body, and with physical objects such as dwelling places. Our salvation is not a purely spiritual thing. Unlike gnostic ideas, the Bible does not consider the physical world to be inherently evil. Salvation involves everything. It certainly does involve our spirits and souls (without wishing to get involved in discussions about the fine distinctions between spirit and soul!), but it also involves our bodies and everything around us. The concern for our bodies is shown most clearly in the resurrection. In Romans 8:20,21 we read of the whole of creation groaning, and eventually being set free. And in Zech 14:21 we read every pot being holy. God has a concern for every aspect of creation.

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