
Tuesday 5 November 2019

Ephesians 6:5-8 - Obey your masters

Some people get upset by this sort of verse, thinking “why didn’t the church fight against slavery”, and accusing the Bible of supporting slavery.There are many answers and it is a very complicated matter. One is that slavery was an integral part of society, and was not the same as the slave trade slavery that tend to think of (and was condemned in the Bible). This is not to say it was a bed of roses, far from it. Secondly, the church was in no position to fight against slavery in the first century. However, the key reason is perhaps that the most important battle was not one against slavery, but the battle for the human heart, and overcoming sin in the human heart. This is the primary battle that the gospel is designed for. Moreover, if slaves and masters followed the instructions given here and in other letters then the evil effects of slavery are defeated. But we need to realise that God has a different focus than our flesh has, My heart being right is actually more important than my being treated right. So slaves here are commanded to serve their masters with sincerity as if they were serving Christ.


Paul then reiterates this point of serving God. So the focus is that we become people of integrity. Then that we know that ultimately it is God who rewards us. This is all geared towards us having an eternal outlook. This does not just mean what happens at and after the final judgement, but that we are part of God’s kingdom.

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