
Wednesday 20 November 2019

2 Corinthians 1:15-19 - God is faithful

There was currently much misunderstanding, but Paul is confident that the situation can be clarified. Paul is referring to his change of travel plans. The original plan involved two visits to Corinth, one on the way from Ephesus to Macedonia, and then again on the return journey. 

We now come to the heart of the accusations against Paul. He was accused of being fickle, and saying one thing and meaning another, or saying yes to those who want to hear yes, and no to those who want to hear no. Ie he is accused of acting like a politician! So Paul is accused of being completely unreliable.


Paul denies the accusations, but moves the debate on to the heart of the matter, the gospel. Both in this letter and in Galatians there is an interesting interplay between the gospel and the messenger. Paul is absolutely convinced that it is the message of Jesus Christ that counts above all else, the messenger is very much secondary. Indeed, in Philippians he says he is not overly bothered that some are preaching the message from wrong motives, as long as they are preaching the gospel (Phil 1:18). Yet at the same time he does explain and defend his actions. We need to have the correct balance here. How we live does matter, and there will be times when we do need to explain actions, but at the same time it must never become all about us, for it is all about Jesus. Paul broadens things out, reminding them that Timothy and Silas preached the same gospel, and the key thing is that in Christ everything is yes. The gospel is completely reliable.

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