
Thursday 29 August 2019

Isaiah 33:6-12 - Now will I be exalted

The Lord becomes a sure foundation for our times. And He is a rich store of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. He is a mighty source of salvation. When troubled we should put our trust in the Lord, and we should look to Him and not to human sources of help. How are we to unlock this great treasure? We are to fear the Lord. This means knowing that He is the final judge, He is the one with the final word, He is the one who exalts and brings low.

The once proud and strutting nation would become utterly desolate. The soldiers who once were brave men would cry aloud in the streets. The roads once full of travellers and commercial traffic would be empty. Treaties nations had made with them would be broken, counting for nothing.


Once Assyria has been the dominant nation, imposing her will on all around her. Now Assyria would be fallen, and the Lord would rise up, He would be exalted. The nation of Assyria would be nothing at all, and her people would suffer.

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