
Wednesday 7 August 2019

Mark 14:46-52 - Am I leading a rebellion?

The men duly seized Jesus and arrested Him. “One of those standing near ...” John 18:10 tells us that this was actually Peter. So we have here another example of Peter’s influence on Mark’s account. Peter was not wanting to do anything that would draw attention to himself in a way that might be thought to exalt him.

The religious leaders had sent the mob to arrest Jesus as if He was leading a rebellion, they had co-opted Judas as if they needed special inside information to know who a secret troublemaker was. Jesus points out that He was not leading a rebellion, never having incited any action against the Roman authorities. Moreover, He had often been in the temple courts teaching. They knew exactly who He was and could have arrested Him at anytime. Things happened the way they did in fulfilment of the Scriptures. This does not mean that they were acting as automatons, but God knows the end from the beginning.


In fulfilment of Jesus’s words in 14:27-31, which were themselves based on Scripture, everyone deserted Jesus. The young man of v51,52 is not mentioned in any of the other gospels. The anonymity of this person, along with Mark being the only one to mention him, has led some to believe that this person is Mark himself. The fact that losing his garment rendered him naked may suggest that he had dressed in haste to go and be with Jesus.

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