
Thursday 30 May 2024

1 Samuel 7:8,9 - Do not stop crying out to the Lord


The people looked to Samuel to cry out to the Lord for them. So they had turned to the Lord, but their faith was far from complete. Now we need to look at the good and the bad in this. The Israelites were at various points reliant on Moses and now on Samuel praying for them, interceding for them. We have Christ interceding for us (Rom 8:34). We too can intercede on behalf of others. The “bad” is that they were seeing themselves as distant from the Lord. The gospel brings us close to God. We can pray directly to the Lord, Christ still intercedes for us, but God wants a close relationship with us.


To add to how this points towards Christ and the gospel, Samuel now offers a suckling lamb as a sacrifice. Now Christ offered Himself as the sacrificial lamb who takes away the sin of the world. Samuel’s lamb was accepted, and the Lord answered him. How much more is the sacrifice of the Son of God accepted, and how much more are His prayers answered?

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