
Thursday 23 May 2024

1 Corinthians 1:10-12 - I appeal to you


When we become self-centred in any way, then divisions start to arise in the church, for the focus shifts from Christ to men and women. The flesh starts taking over. The men or women, or the systems, may claim to be Christ-centred, but in truth they are not. Deliberately, or inadvertently, they become man-centred. This is what was happening in Corinth, and Paul now starts to address the  key issues in Corinth. And the one he starts with is that of division. Note that this is not “unity” for its own sake, but unity in Christ. Paul appeals “in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”. The goal is that they are “perfectly united in mind and thought”.


Paul had received reports from “Chloe’s household”, we don’t know anything else about Chloe. Anyway, the reports said there were quarrels among the believers in Corinth. When we start becoming man focused quarrels become more prevalent. The people were dividing into factions, claiming to be followers of a particular apostle or evangelist. Apollos was a particularly eloquent speaker (Acts 18:24-26), and given the culture in Corinth that would be one reason for some idolising him. The apostleship of Paul and Peter would be reasons for others choosing them. It isn’t clear why “I follow Christ” is included in the list. Obviously following Christ is what the gospel is all about, but Paul almost certainly didn’t mean it in that sense.

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