
Monday 27 May 2024

1 Corinthains 1:21,22 - Through the foolishness of preaching


God allowed man to go his own way, just as the Father allowed the younger son to go his own way. The younger son just ended up in a mess. Likewise, mankind in general has ended up in a mess. Man by his own efforts and wisdom does not know God. No one is saved by the world’s wisdom. Instead, it is through the “foolishness” of the cross that people are saved. Lives are changed and healed through the gospel, “the foolishness of what was preached”.


In the gospels we frequently read of the Jewish leaders demanding a sign from Jesus, and this was despite Him performing numerous miracles and healings! The Greeks demanded wisdom. The term “Greeks” is sometimes used as referring more generally to the Gentiles. However, with the Greek love for philosophy Paul may be thinking specifically of the Greeks here. Signs and wisdom were the measures by which the Jews and the Greeks, respectively, judged the validity of something or someone.

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