
Wednesday 29 May 2024

1 Samuel 7:5-7 - I will intercede with the Lord for you


Samuel then calls all Israel to Mizpah. Jerusalem was not in Israelite hands at this point, and Mizpah was a key city. Samuel would intercede for them there. Pouring out water was not mentioned in the Law, but seems to have been an act of self-denial. The people also fasted and confessed their sins. 


News of the Israelites assembling reached the Philistines, and they decided to attack Israel. They may have seen this as the best way to quell any “rebellion” from Israel, or just an opportunity to crush them. The people of Israel were afraid. They had been under oppression by the Philistines for many years, and had suffered many defeats. Now they had turned back to God, having got rid of their idols, and having God’s promise that He would deliver them, they had no need to fear. Yet the fear was so deeply ingrained that it still remained. Likewise for all of us there are things that we still fear, yet have no need to do so. It takes time to learn to live in the light of God’s kingdom.

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