
Friday 31 May 2024

1 Corinthians 2:1,2 - I resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ


Paul has just urged them to “boast in the Lord”, he now reminds them of how he brought the gospel to them. Paul practised what he preached. He did not”come with eloquence or human wisdom”. Paul did not seek to emulate the rhetorical skills that were greatly valued in those days. Paul proclaimed the “testimony about God”. 


“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified”. We need to remember what the basis of the gospel is, what our message is. This does not mean that we pay no attention to how well put together a sermon or teaching is. There is no virtue in a garbled, incoherent mess of a sermon. However, we need to be clear about where our confidence lies. Moreover, when we preach or teach it most definitely is not just about us, it is not just a matter of the message we give. Rather, we are working together with the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit bears witness to Jesus Christ, and His work on the cross.

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